Outcomes have been poor

  • no approvals

  • Henry Biodiversity review

  • Oreilly review

  • Dept is not incentivised only considers costs of approving not the costs of not approving

  • Internal organisation issues? eg Energyco no separate emails

The Planning Dept missed the opportunity

REZs are more than lines on a map

REZ baseline studies done by Dept

Compliance with visual and audio standards waved through

Change program slogans

Clear objectives

Gap analysis





Celebrate success

Liverpool range case study

Epuron lodges development application in 201, sold to Tilt 2019, development for original project approved 2018, 267 turbines, 1 GW.

Area covers 52,000 ha or 67 km top to bottom

Feb22 Modification submission. Capacity goes from 960 to 1320, less turbines, Tip goes from 165 m to 250 m. Number of turbines goes from 267 to 220. No change to project area

Revised application still not approved although probably close.